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Juvenate Diabetes and Pancreas


Juvenate Diabetes and Pancreas is rich in chromium and vanduim which are the major minerals present in the pancreas which enable the pancreas make use of carbohydrates as fuel

It’s cholesterol free
* it helps to maintain the sugar levels
* it helps reduce the effects of hemorrhoids
* it strengthen the immune system
* it helps in the treatment of wound
* it helps in blood purification

SKU: 60028 Category: Tag:


Juvenate Diabetes and Pancreas is rich in chromium and vanduim which are the major minerals present in the pancreas which enable the pancreas make use of carbohydrates as fuel

It’s cholesterol free
* it helps to maintain the sugar levels
* it helps reduce the effects of hemorrhoids
* it strengthen the immune system
* it helps in the treatment of wound
* it helps in blood purification


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