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Strange! But are you aware that sugar alone is not why you have diabetes?

Inside this letter is an eye-opening revelation and your key to unlocking true transformation from diabetes in 93 days.

Yes, it’s this serious. And I could stake as much as a $100 that I know the chemistry this headline would speed up in your mind just from reading it. 

But the truth is that it’s disheartening having those thoughts. 

However, you don’t have to. 

Because the real difference between curbing and curing diabetes is in tracing the actual root of the problem. 

Amongst every possibility, the one viable fact why the last product you took made no impact to liberate you from diabetes is because the product’s healing efficiency was channelled to the wrong place.

Just because diabetes is mainly perceived as a blood sugar ailment doesn’t mean that what causes it is just the sugar in your system. 

And that is why you buy all these capsules and supplements that leave you the same. Sometimes they end up leaving you in the worst state with complications and side effect to battle 

But fear not, 

My hope for you is that after reading this, you’ll stop thinking about what happens when complications start getting worse. 

Because you will see for yourself how to shove diabetes away from your system. 

And approach that stage where you say no to wasting time and resources on failed products.

You will finally find your peace so close to you again 

  • Because you will never have to behold the sight of needles when you wake up in the morning … yes, no more PRICKING of fingers!
  • You will wake up like every other person and won’t have to worry about your sugar level crossing the root… even when you eat your favourite meals
  • You will finally be able to do away with all the diabetes drugs you push down your throat. That has become more of a routine. 
  • You will no longer need to fear losing your vision or one of your legs to diabetes
  • Your hands and feet will experience freedom from the numb and tingly
  • All those crazy lows and scary highs will be gone… never to return

And this is not a myth, but a dream come true! It is 100% real. And nothing like anything you’ve been told. 

It’s the Geno-fusion reactor (GF) taking charge of your system, and giving you a solid chance at becoming better and stronger! Just to that point where you say you’re a free man!

Yes, this can be you.

But before I jump in to explaining how your diabetes will become a thing of the past in just 93 days, please let’s gain clarity first. 

Help me understand if you stumbled on the wrong page? 

If you’re actively the right person to experience this feeling of freedom and wield on your palms, the GATEWAY to a healthy life? A life free of disturbing ailments like stubborn diabetes 70% of persons aged 40-70 years, experience the most.

Yes, it’s disturbing but it still doesn’t end there. 

The fear of long-term complications like heart & kidney disease, nerve damage, and vision problems that are likely to occur is still present. And is ever ready to show itself and compromise the state of your health


Not to talk of the cost of treatment

Diabetes treatment can be expensive. 

Take it from someone who had a diabetic patient at home. You’d spend so much cash on medications, test supplies and still have a doctor visit home. Which is an additional cost of its own.

And facts like these are the reason I need to be sure we are right on the same page. With emphasis on our values aligning together. Because it will save you your time and mine as well. 

So, if this is not you with disturbing ailments or troubling crises that have to do with families and loved ones, please pause this read, forget about it and go do something else.

It’s not for you.

You’d feel completely lost reading this. 

However, if you are seeking for a permanent solution to your dire health situations, do me this one favour,

Knock off any form of disturbance and bring your mind together to answer this question.”

What can you do for a change?” 

I asked because I’ve met lots of diabetic patients in their worst state, and their comments are never the same after this transformation journey.  

Which is why I’m confident that by coming in contact with this page, you are only a shooting distance away from a permanent solution.

Yes, you heard me well.

And if you are still here with me, chances are, you’re facing these symptoms as well

  • Eating enough and still feeling super hungry all the time 
  • Drinking constantly but can’t quench your thirst for water. 
  • losing weight drastically without any cause nor reasons. 
  • Frequent urination that will cause you to feel pale for not having a toilet close by.
  • You barely can get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse
  • As a woman, you’re experiencing intense itchiness and a thick, white discharge from the vagina.
  • Blurry vision
  • Extreme fatigue that makes you look lazy 
  • Sores that don’t heal
  • Decreased sex drive. No urge. Poor arousal. 
  • Urinary tract infection that causes you pelvic pain, and increases your urge to urinate. 

And maybe, more!

The truth is that it’s troubling to face these symptoms. I know. 

But have you stopped for a moment and try to understand the need these symptoms are pointing you to? 

What could that be?

The one need you’ve neglected for years yet, it’s the reason you are still suffering these ailments thus far. 

I will tell you more about this need your body is screaming that you listen to. 

Because having a clear understanding of this need is the beginning of your journey to a lasting solution. 

A solution where diabetes-free is guaranteed, and the fears of future complications, are all eliminated.

But before this big revelation, let me clear the air about who I am and why I am writing to you!

My name is Nonye Nwaghanata

A seasoned, prominent figure entrepreneur inspired by my experience with life.

I don’t know better than your doctors. I’m only interested in pointing your mind to the path of solution.

The one you’ve been clueless about.

And whatever the case may be, fair or foul, I advise you to discuss what I am about to tell you concerning your diabetic treatment with your doctor. 

I only hope that they don’t keep playing mind games with you and stage you with medications that rather cure the symptoms than the disease itself.

I say this because in 2019; my aunt was a diabetic patient staying with me. And the same thing happened.

It wasn’t anything easy,

She lived every day with the fear of sleeping and not waking up. Days turn months, and months into years, and those thoughts never stop coming. Not until that day that changed a lot of things. 

A friend brought awareness to my doorstep. And unlike me, I didn’t hesitate to listen to what she had to say.

But what choice do I have?

Every day with this disease is another day with the possibility of so many complications. I couldn’t do anything more than embracing the offer that was in front of me. 

We had been to about 4 different doctors. But they all kept emphasizing on preventing escalation and said nothing about the cure.

Now, imagine the feeling I held hearing about something that could end her misery for good. And to add to it, it was a cure without any side effects! 

My friend had to explain that part so well since I was skeptical of seeing more complications.

We’ve spent so much on treatments that made no change, no improvement and no decrease in complication level. So, my reaction was completely normal like expected. 

And it’s the reason I understand you when you feel that way too. 

Especially when it seems like you’ve done almost everything and nothing seems to work! 

But I was Wrong…

My scepticism was mainly as a result of not knowing anything about the diseases and its root.

I was only clueless to the many possibilities natural herbs could bring on the body system. 

At least, not until I saw it practical.

It was at that moment of watching my aunt experience change, that I finally made sense from what people say; 

“Relaying on modern medicine alone is like treating symptoms and not the disease itself!”

Because my experience with my aunt was more like it. 

And if you are curious to know more about the secret behind my aunt’s transformation. How she managed to push through and get freed from diabetes in 93 days of treatment, 

Then, you need to have a taste of these. 

Diabetes Therapy

I will tell you reasons this is important

The reasons you need detox plus, glucocare and rejuvenating drinks in your system. 

First off, the magic and wonders they perform are nothing but amazing!

And you know why?

The products are uniquely made for your pancreas. 

A specially formulated agent, the “Gene-fusion reactor” is the solution responsible for this Transformation.

It’s a reactor backed up with plant compounds like isothiocyanates, that reduces activation of carcinogens in your system and increases detoxification. (The one ‘need’ your body has been screaming for.)

It works as a catalyst, speeding up your body metabolism with the right amount of glucose, and burning down stubborn fat in your pancreas. 

Your diabetes didn’t grow wings from nowhere. They came to be only because the fats in your pancreas cause insulin resistance in your system.

These fats are not like the ordinary fat in the body. They occupy like molecules, and until they are no longer there, you will continue to face these challenges diabetes brings your way. 

Which is why a full treatment pack will leave you feeling new and in the mood for more elimination.

I call it elimination because it took my aunt away from the Horrible Blacklist of diabetes.

The process and how we scaled through from those moments of terror motivated me to go on this track. 

Because each time I remember the transformation, I feel grateful.

It made me believe this path is worth exploring. 

And it led me to knowing more. 

Which is the only reason I’m here, in front of you today. Ready to help you find true transformation.

Just like Grace, who did the same for her friend. 

The screenshot above is a review from one of my downline’s binaries. 

It’s from a friend of hers, whose diabetes had grown complications and has matured into something delicate as a kidney failure. 

Her kidney function test for glomerular filtration rate (GFR) had dropped to 48. Which was an accurate indicator of the presence of kidney disease. And that was no good feat.

She called her feeling broken and troubled by the alarming state she was in. Am grateful my down-line held her close all the way.

And this same Gene-fusion reactor in Milnapath products, solved the problem like it was never a herculean situation.

The next time she went for her kidney function test, the result came up to 59. Showing an increase. Just 1 GFR away from the normal 60+ kidney level 

You can get this same transformation as well 

This is not just Nonye telling you, people are saving a lifetime’s worth of pain and fears just from treating diabetes with this reactor

The question here is, are you ready to eliminate diabetes from your system and start living life like every normal human being does? 

I asked, because this is the time to have that positive thought. To have a leap of faith and say to yourself, ‘I can do this.’ 

Below is your diabetes therapy. Look out for packages that will serve you better. With the complication level and the desired result being a priority in your consideration. 

I always advise a 3 month plan for 93 days full transformation. But hey, I won’t decide for you. I can only direct you on a leading track. 

Order Now. The Future is Waiting!

This is really your chance at getting better and bidding farewell to your unending diabetes plight.

A new sun is about to dawn in your life. If only you are up and ready to take action and  allow it.

But it’s entirely up to you to decide. 

Besides, you have literally nothing there to lose. 

Unless the problem you’re facing at the moment is not diabetes, you will see the result. 

Plus, you have

A 30 day’s money-back guarantee to your advantage

If after 30 days and you still can’t see the effect of this product, then I owe you your money. 

Yes, it’s that big. 

As long as you have your test result ready and you’re fully certain that diabetes was the challenge you’re passing through before the treatment. 

Then, reach out your complaints on a call and you will have your money refunded back.

Which is one of the reasons you need to be sure of your ailment before placing your order.

I’m confident you will see start seeing the effect of this within just one month of treatment

And it’s the reason I’m not worried at all about giving you this liberty. Because I’m so certain this will be the best treatment, you won’t be forgetting soon. 

The transformation would be so loud that you’d wonder why this offer had to take this long before knocking at your door! 

However, if anyone has something to worry about, it’s you! 

Since the high demand of this product has caused a shortage in supply. 

The company is growing too fast than they have prepared for. And it has affected their production in ways that are not favourable to consumers like you.

As more production calls for more machinery, resources and labour force, which is becoming heavy for the company to manage.

Perhaps my reason for saying that you are the one with worries.

Will this treatment still be available at this price if you miss out on this one?

Project 2.0 will be launched in a few days. 

And what are the chances that you will find this price tag the same when next you visit this page?

I hope you can answer that to yourself. But whatever your answer is, I truly commend your zeal.

To read this long letter down to this moment shows grit and resilience. And those are qualities of a conqueror. 

My prayers are with you.

You will see the result because you are not a loser. And I look forward to your testimonies. 

However, I have one question to ask you before you rush over to the FAQ section to get more details about these products. 

What are your doctors not telling you?

When you ask about the reason for your insulin problems, do they tell you why and how it came to be in the first place? 

I had to say this because when you ask the majority of doctors these questions, the responses you get are always generic. 

And I will use my experience to explain more… 

A lot of them will camp under the umbrella of jargons and will end up not telling you anything solid. 

Some will blame it on old age, while others will let nutrition take the fall. 

And as disheartening as this conflicting information is, they prescribe heavy dosages for you monthly, and you buy them without hesitation because “health is wealth”

I get it. 

But what if there is a reason your doctors in most cases won’t tell you more?

Yes, there is. You just have to ask me why?

The big guys keep you sick for profit

The visual above is an article from proproblica. A non-profit newsroom tasked at investigating the abuse of power. 

If you are not familiar with these kinds of operation and how they run it, 

There are lots of big firms and pharmaceuticals in the health sector that run billion dollar establishments. 

Their products have the voice of the masses. Not because the effect is super productive. 

But because they have the majority of head doctors spreading the good news. 

A lot of products out there have more powerful solutions the public needs, but won’t sell more because your doctor won’t prescribe them.

These firms take over the market and make their product the number one. 

To the extent that a lot of fresh doctors don’t even know there are other options that can give better results to their patients.

And the terrible part of it is, these big firms are the ones your doctor takes instruction from

Your doctor is not necessarily evil… he/she just sees less option

Which is why you must take control of your own health right away. Because diabetes is too dangerous to depend on insulin or some medications for the rest of your life.

Take control of your health right away

Just for a moment, imagine living your life without sleeping on the thoughts of losing your sight, a foot, or even your leg. 

Without having to worry about your behaviour during hypo. Your memories would be intact and you wouldn’t have to question your sanity. 

Without fear of going low overnight and not waking up in the morning.

Without constantly spending money on expensive medications that yields no result.

Nor ever have to worry about forgetting your insulin at home on a long trip. 

Just imagine that for a moment, and ask yourself why you would let this second chance slip away from your face. 

Click the button below and start the journey of true transformation 

NONYE, I've had enough of this diabetes


Who can take this treatment?


Any diabetic patient that is of maturity age.

What is the right dose prescription?


Take 3 capsules of detox daily for the first 3 days.

After that, take 2 * 2 a day.

Take 2 capsules of Glucocare twice a day.

Take 30ml morning and night for the rejuvenating drink

How many capsules for each pack?


Detox = 60 capsules 

Glucocare = 60 capsules 

Rejuvenating drink = 750ml

Is this treatment also for type 2 diabetes?


Yes, it works for type 2 diabetes as well. 

However, it demands that you’re consistent with the treatment. 

How long should I take this treatment for maximum results?


It depends on several factors. Different levels of complications call for different levels. But I always advise you to go for the full treatment pack of 3 months for a super result.

Is this treatment safe for long-term use?


Yes, these products from MILNAPATH are made from pure natural ingredients and are safe for long-term use. The medicinal plants used in these products have been handpicked for their specific health benefits, and the product is bottled for easy and regular use.

P.S. I have a friend who would do anything for a cure. He battles with angled glaucoma. He complains about his vision getting worse each day. And now and then, he tries to compare what his future would be like if he eventually loses his sight? 

There is no known cure for glaucoma yet, but you have a cure for your diabetes. And it’s staring right here in your face. The question here is, what are you going to do with it? 

Will you work on a SOLUTION now or to wait for the WORST that will come?